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Zima says he has talked to investors about privatizing state-owned companies

Zima says he has talked to investors about privatizing state-owned companies

Governor Romeo Zema (Novo) stated that he has spoken with investors about the privatization of Cemig, Copasa, Gasmig, Codemig, and the Belo Horizonte bus terminal franchise. He is traveling to the United States where he co-opened a Nasdaq trading session to launch “Lithium Valley,” an action aimed at developing cities in northeastern and northern Minas Gerais around lithium.

Governor said in an interview with Alterosa TV.

Since 2019, Zima has repeatedly indicated his intention to negotiate for the company. At that time, the CEO of Minas Gerais obtained permission to trade 49% of the company, but the matter never developed on the stock exchange.

Last year, he asked the Legislative Assembly to speed up the bill dealing with the issue of privatization, but the request was rejected.

Currently, Codemig is a mixed-capital company, indirectly managed by the state, dedicated to niobium exploration.

To justify his decision, Zema says that the state of Minas Gerais does not have the resources to improve the services provided to the population and that the private sector can meet this demand more efficiently.

The governor added, “Minas does not have the resources to make these investments, to invest in these companies. We have private investors who have the resources to spare.”

The privatization of the Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais (Cemig) is also a longstanding desire of the Zema government, but the agenda has not seen any progress in the legislature.

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