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Zilu Godói will be a broadcaster on an American radio station

Zilu Godói will be a broadcaster on an American radio station

Zilu Godói won a spot on television, as did her daughter Wanessa, confined to BBB 24. Zezé di Camargo's ex-wife announced that she has been hired by an American broadcast station to bring the YouTube show “Coisas de Zilu” to television.

On social media, Wanessa's mother celebrated the news. “The year 2024 has only begun and I have already witnessed a big step in my life. It gives me great pleasure to announce my appointment to one of CNN's US TV channels. Yes, that's right.

The channel that has signed with Zilu is TVC, a channel focused on Brazilians living abroad. “Coisas de Zilu” will get a new setting and look. “It will be a wonderful experience to bring joy and entertainment to all of you, as well as the wonderful guests,” he announced.

“I'm ecstatic!” “To work with what I love, on a TV channel, and above all, in the United States, is truly a dream come true,” Wanessa’s mother celebrated.

The release date of the program has not been announced yet.

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