In light of the current epidemic Dengue fever ravaging the country, the use of insect repellents has become common in Brazilian homes.
However, it is important to understand that if this resource is misused, it can pose health risks. Understanding usage recommendations and potential harmful effects is essential to ensure effective protection without harm to the body.
Ingestion of repellents and the dengue epidemic
You Repellents Electrical appliances have become important allies in the fight against Aedes aegypti, the mosquito that transmits dengue fever. These devices, which emit constant doses of pyrethroid compounds, are intended to keep insects out of home environments.
However, it is important to realize that the ingredient used can cause allergic reactions in some people, which requires attention when using it.
How to use correctly
The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) sets important guidelines for the proper use of tampon repellents. Keeping environments ventilated is essential, as is placing the device at least two meters away from people. During sleep, the distance reference is from the head of the bed to the socket.
Foster a peaceful night's sleep
For those who are more sensitive to the compounds in repellents, moderation is key. Additionally, alternative strategies, such as the use of fans and air conditioning, can be used to reduce reliance on these electric repellers.
Ventilation and supplementary strategies
Keeping environments ventilated is a consistent recommendation. Combining the use of repellents with other methods, such as fans and air conditioning, not only increases the effectiveness of mosquito protection, but also allows these products to be used more sparingly.
In times of dengue epidemic, protecting yourself from mosquitoes is a legitimate concern. However, it is essential to follow safe practices when using sealant repellents.
Following Anvisa's guidelines, maintaining well-ventilated environments and resorting to additional strategies are crucial steps to ensure a sound night's sleep without compromising your health. health. Stay informed and protected to enjoy effective defense without unnecessary risks.
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