Hawaii: The chief of emergency management resigns after saying he doesn't regret using the siren during fires The head of...
1 of 3 Hurricane Hillary - Image: Arte g1 / Kayan Albertin Hurricane Hillary - Image: Arte g1 / Kayan...
1 of 1 Daniel Noboa, candidate for the presidency of Ecuador, in August 2023. - Photo: reproduction / Instagram @danielnoboaok...
house › Sciences › A new DNA analysis changes the skin color of the legendary snowman The researchers' new DNA...
The story has been shared many times on social media and foreign media. Image: reproduction Last year's story spread again...
If you're thinking of traveling to Italy with your partner, we have a new tip on how to make that...
1 of 1 two-headed snake exposed at a zoo in Texas, USA - Image: Facebook reproduction Cameron Park Zoo Two-headed...
Right-wing Javier Meli, from the La Libertad Avanza coalition, won the primaries in Argentina with 30.12% of the vote. Argentine...
Who among us has not felt this emptiness in their chest in a crowd or even on the couch at...
Typhoon Lan over Hyogo at 4 p.m. Tuesday, moving toward the Sea of Japan (AMJ) Forecasts indicate that Hurricane number...