A residential area in São Paulo, with the buildings surrounding Paulista in the backgroundPixabay city Sao Paulo São Paulo appears...
1 of 1 Rodolfo Parra – Photo: Telam Rodolfo Parra – Photography: Telam Argentine President-elect, far-right Javier Miley, on Friday...
1 of 1 Patricia Bullrich, third place in the Argentine elections, announces her support for Javier Miley in the second...
On a tour of the Middle East, President Lula visited Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, the country...
But the topics under negotiation are transversal and do not follow geographical or economic criteria: mitigation, adaptation, financing, losses and...
An occupation official reportedly promised to take care of the children, but they were left to die Screenshot from a...
Shocking photos spread on social media, showing A Python catching a possum Above your head until you accidentally drop it...
A Spanish newspaper reported that Venezuelan political police arrested a member of the Civic Encounter party on Wednesday, after he...
The final result shows that the Massa group will have two seats in San Juan; La Libertad Avanza will only...
1 of 3 On hangover days, the sea reaches Beach Street and leaves the channels of Santos, SP silted up....