“A historic moment” was defined by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, during the episcopal consecration of the...
1 of 1 Italian police arrested 103-year-old Giuseppina Molinari while driving with an expired license this week. - Image: Reproduction/Social...
A volcano in Iceland erupts for the fourth time in three months A volcano in Iceland has erupted for the...
president of colombia, Gustavo Pietro (photo), proposed on Friday, the 15th, and Calling the Constituent AssemblyAfter the opposition-controlled parliament rejected...
Another United plane had issues with missing components, now a Boeing 737 that the pilots didn't realize was...
Earlier this month, there was a possibility of a global internet outage due to ruptured submarine cables in the Red...
A tour guide was injured after being attacked by a tiger in the Peruvian Amazon. This case happened in December...
(Image: Social Network Reproduction)Full of bars and nightlife, Arnaldo Quintilla Streetin Botafogoin The southern region of Rio, entered the list...
On Thursday morning (14), a fire of unknown origin broke out in a building of the largest civilian prison in...
Posted poll He was the "BBC Israeli"A. pointed out The Israeli population shifted to the right Since the massacre that...