Luisa Oliveira is 8 years old and is having surgery next week (9) in Curitiba (PR). The operation to correct...
Portugal Discover 13 instances of a variant omicron of the new coronavirus, all linked to players and members of the...
The World Health Organization (WHO) criticizes the selective closure of borders to African countries and calls on rich countries and...
Read the full text of Two PandemicsOn the day Europe banned flights to and from Maputo, Mozambique recorded 5 new...
Government Israel On Saturday (27) it announced that it will ban, for a period of two weeks, all foreigners from...
Malala Yousafzai He posted on social networking photos of his graduation Friday (26). The Pakistani woman became known worldwide after...
The latest immortal from Brazilian Academy of Letters (ABL)The jurist, José Paolo Cavalcante, changed his position on Covid-19 Vaccine during...
From December 1, masks will again be mandatory indoors, health passports will be required in restaurants and hotels and the...
The Cumbre Vieja volcano on the island of La Palma, Spain, on Thursday (25th) witnessed a new lava flow that...
The patient at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London will be the first man in the world to have an eye...