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Workers can earn around R,000 in 2022;  Find out if you are entitled and how to apply

Workers can earn around R$10,000 in 2022; Find out if you are entitled and how to apply

With prices for products like food and clothing soaring, the news can cheer up workers from all over Brazil. Is this the Federal Supreme Court (STF) A direct act of unconstitutionality (ADI) seeking review remains to be judged in 2022 Separation Compensation Fund (FGTS)With this, Brazilian professionals can receive, on average, 10 thousand Brazilian riyals From the bottom.

ADI was introduced in 2014 by Solidarity Party. His trial was scheduled for May 13, 2021, but was taken off the agenda by STF president, Louise Foo, and left without a fixed date.

Delays can be a bad thing for those who have already filed a lawsuit while it can be considered an additional deadline for workers who have not yet filed a lawsuit.

Among the applications submitted, the maximum values ​​are up to R$72,000, but they should average R$10,000 for each worker. This is because, if accepted, applying inflation in place of the reference rate would allow the government to pay the difference in earnings from the FGTS balance to the worker.

It is possible to simulate how much a worker will be able to receive using the LOIT FGTS tool, which calculates, for free, the balance that each person will receive with the change in the index. To do this, you only need to access Platform.

To give you an idea, the accounts executed by the platform have already exceeded the amount of 1 billion riyals, which reveals the potential for legal debate.

How do you participate in the work?

Workers who contributed to the FGTS from 1999 onwards can enter the review through a process in court, because the STF’s decision can only benefit these issues.

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With professional assistance, the worker will need to hand over copies of RG, CPF, labor card, proof of residency (water, energy, phone bill, etc.), as well as an FGTS extract to file the procedure.

The Economist gives advice on how to best use your FGTS; Watch and browse the program video within July 1, 2020: