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Work in defense of the seats of science and education will be tomorrow (26)

Work in defense of the seats of science and education will be tomorrow (26)

Published on 07/25/2022 14:40

(Credit: Beatriz Ferraz / Secom UnB)

The Common Law “Election 2022: Education and Science to Rebuild the Country” will be held on Tuesday (26), at 6 pm, in the auditorium of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Brasilia (UnB). With the aim of increasing the visibility of the movement for the seat of education among Brazilian scientists and society at large, the event is held in conjunction with the 74th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Association for the Advancement of Science (SBPC).

“The origins of our movement are due to the undeniable realization of the importance of education and science for the reconstruction of the country and the very low representation of these sectors in decision-making places in Brazil, as well as the urgent need to reverse the ongoing process of dismantling these areas in the country,” highlights the primary candidate for Federal Deputy For the Labor Party, Professor Edward Madureira, one of the organizers of the public act.

This event is another act of mobilizing pre-candidates from various parties to
The National Congress, the legislatures and the executive branch of all regions of the country which were set up to end the dismantling of education and science. They constitute the movement for the seat of education, which is endorsed by recognized figures in the field of education and science.

The attendance of the following researchers and directors has been confirmed:

  • Aldo Zarbin, professor at UFPR and past president of the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ).
  • Helena Nader, Professor at Unifesp, President of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and Honorary President of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC).
  • Isaac Roitman, Professor Emeritus at UnB and former Director of Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination (Capes).
  • Sergio Resende, UFPE Professor Emeritus and Former Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation.
  • Lúcia Melo, Researcher at the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation, former President of the Center for Management and Strategic Studies (CGEE) and former Secretary of Science and Technology at Pernambuco.
  • Soraya Sobhi Smaili, former Unifesp Dean and SOU_CiÊNCIA Coordinator.

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