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Woman finds fabric residue on her stomach two years after bowel surgery | More Health

Woman finds fabric residue on her stomach two years after bowel surgery | More Health

The cloth is removed from Maria Lucian Vidal’s abdomen, through an opening where her colostomy bag is located – Photo: Personal archive

Two years after undergoing surgery to remove a tumor in her intestine, a Cubatao (SP) resident discovered that One The fabric was forgotten in the belly area. Including during the operation. The body came out through the opening in the woman’s abdomen where the colostomy bag was placed in 2022 (See image above).

Maria Lucian Vidal, 58, was admitted to the Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital in Santos to receive the necessary care after the discovery. According to her daughter Stephanie Vidal, 24, the medical team is assessing whether the woman will need undergo further surgerysince A 20cm piece of cloth was removed. From her body on Monday (22).

In 2023, Maria began to You are experiencing weight loss and abdominal pain, the same symptoms you had when you first discovered the disease. Bowel cancer In 2022. Stefani said the suspicion was that the disease had returned. However, tests revealed nothing for several months.

On Saturday (20), material began to come out of the colostomy bag and the family sought medical help again. According to the daughter, the doctors thought it was dried stool, but the woman was admitted to the hospital the next day to be evaluated by a surgeon.

The daughter said g1 which doctors took approximately 10 cm of material From inside Maria’s body the first time they pulled her out and 10 others the second time.

“The first feeling was anger, because only those who have had a relative with cancer know how hard it is. We thought the cancer was coming back. Her head wasn’t feeling well anymore, but finding out there was a piece of cloth inside it made her angry, because she was supposed to be fine,” Stephanie said.

The family intends to contact a lawyer to take legal action on the case in court, but they will first prioritize the health of Maria, who remains in hospital.

“We want to get her medical records from when she was hospitalized two years ago because it will be all there and that will be our struggle,” the daughter said. “But right now, I really want her to get out of the hospital and recover.”

Maria Lucian, 58, is hospitalized in Santos. Her daughter Stephanie Vidal provided details about the case. — Photo: Personal archive

When Maria Lucian Vidal discovered bowel cancer in 2022, the disease was already advanced. So, the first step in treatment was surgery. “She had to have a colostomy bag and spent a long time in the intensive care unit [Unidade de Terapia Intensiva]“The daughter said,”

The woman then underwent chemotherapy and began to recover. “She gained weight back and was doing very well. She ended up having a colostomy, but these are details, the important thing is that he is fine,” the young woman said.

In a statement, the Cubatao Municipal Hospital expressed its regret over the situation and is ready to provide the necessary assistance and welcome the patient and her family.

The institution said the procedure took place on July 29, 2022, but the hospital only learned of the case this week. “At that time, the management of HMC was not the responsibility of the current director.”

The surgeon responsible for the operation is no longer part of the clinical staff working in the hospital, Since Sociedade Brasileira Caminho de Damasco (SBCD) took over the management. It is also worth noting that since March 2023, when HMC started operating, the Primary Health Care Department has implemented a series of safety protocols and enhanced professional training procedures for the entire care team.

What is a colostomy bag and what is its purpose?

Videos: g1 in one minute from Santos