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Woman arrested for carrying pet lion in car in Thailand

Woman arrested for carrying pet lion in car in Thailand

Although it is not illegal to keep a lion as a pet in Thailand, cats must be registered

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4 hours ago
By Minoto News

A woman has been arrested in Thailand after she was caught with a pet lion in a car in Pattaya. This moment was recorded on video and spread on social media.

According to the BBC, the driver of the car was a man from Sri Lanka, who had already left the country. Authorities believe the man is a friend of the lion's owner, known as Swanjit Kosungren.

Although it is not illegal to keep a lion as a pet in Thailand, the animal must be registered. According to authorities, Suangjit said he bought the cub from a man residing in Nakhon Pathom province, who facilitated the animal's delivery to Pattaya.

However, the man was unable to have his home inspected by authorities, making it illegal to purchase the animal.

The woman therefore faces charges of possessing a controlled wild animal without permission, which could result in a one-year prison sentence and a fine of up to 100,000 baht (about R$5,200).

The authorities also intend to charge the man who transported Assad in a public place, but were unable to do so while he was leaving the country. In any case, the person will face a prison sentence of up to six months and a payment of 50,000 baht (about R$ 2,600).

The breed seller will also be charged with transporting an animal without permission.

According to local police, there are currently 224 legal lions in Thailand.

See the photos in the gallery above.

Read also: A woman was rescued after she spent 15 hours on top of a submerged car. look

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