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With yellow power, Andre puts Petala in the fake garden

With yellow power, Andre puts Petala in the fake garden

Collaboration with Splash in Sao Paulo

11/29/2022 11:09 PMupdate in 11/30/2022 00:36

Iran Malfitano, winner of Trial by Fire for the fourth time He chose the power of the red flame for himself, and gave the power of the yellow flame to Andrei, V.I forming a false rightfarm 2022” (RecordTV).

With the power of the red flame chosen by the crowdIran replaced the pawn that vetoed the farmer’s test with another.

By opening the yellow power, at first, Andrei won the right to vote for the second time in the pawn and chose Petala, who ended up taking the second seat in the hot seat as the most voted house.

“I stand by my vote, so I will vote again for Petal,” he said.

Iran, on the other hand, removed Deulan’s veto in Pele and opted to veto Pitala in the farmer’s test.

A Fazenda: Who do you want to “eliminate” on the mock farm? vote!


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