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Will Brazil Aid pay the 13th salary in 2022?  See government forecasts

Will Brazil Aid pay the 13th salary in 2022? See government forecasts

Pay Thirteenth salary From Brazil aid This was only true in 2019, the first year of the current government of President Jair Bolsonaro. Transportation was a campaign promise. Despite this, in 2020 and 2021 the beneficiaries did not have the additional amount. Apparently, in 2022 there will also be no payments for the thirteenth amount of Brazil’s aid.

Read more: The thirteenth salary did not fall: what to do to resolve this situation?

In 2019, payment was secured through a temporary measure (MP). At that time, Bolsa Família beneficiaries received a payment of an additional premium in December. Since then, families receiving assistance have not been able to count on the additional amount at the end of the year.

Thirteenth of Brazil’s aid

The benefit is currently R$600. And yet, as December approaches, families have no assurance that the current government will transfer the 13th Day Extra value from Auxílio Brasil.

The Ministry of Citizenship has spoken out and said that, at least for the time being, there is no expectation that additional funds will be transferred this year.

Payment of the November installment begins this Thursday (17th). What is known is that the federal government announced that it expects transportation in December for families to get resources at Christmas.

In this way, without expecting 13 of Brazil’s aid, the families It must be programmed with R$600 paid each month. Filing follows the official calendar, according to the last digit of the beneficiaries’ Social Identification Number (NIS). In November, payments will be made on the following days:

  • NIS 1 Finals: November 17th
  • NIS 2 Finals: November 18th
  • NIS 3 Finals: November 21st
  • Final 4 shekels: November 22
  • 5 NIS Final: November 23
  • NIS 6 Final: November 24
  • NIS 7 final: November 25
  • Final 8: November 28
  • 9 NIS Final: November 29
  • End of 0 NIS: November 30.
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