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Why do some scientists believe that life on Earth is older than previously thought?

Why do some scientists believe that life on Earth is older than previously thought?

credit, Abdul Razzaq Albani

Illustrative image, A team of scientists say they have found evidence of nutrients that were created in formations in Gabon.

  • author, Georgina Ranard
  • roll, BBC News Science Correspondent

A group of scientists say they have found new evidence to support the theory that complex life on Earth may have begun 1.5 billion years earlier than previously thought.

The team, which worked in Gabon, said they found evidence within the rocks that showed environmental conditions for animal life existed 2.1 billion years ago.

But they say that the organisms were confined to the sea within the continent, were unable to spread across the planet and eventually disappeared.

These ideas are completely different from the scientific consensus on the subject, and many scientists do not accept them as correct. Most experts believe that animal life began 635 million years ago.