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Who won the angel test?  Watch how dynamic the day was at BBB 22 – Zoeira

Who won the angel test? Watch how dynamic the day was at BBB 22 – Zoeira

confined Big Brother Brazil (BBB) ​​22 Participate in Angel TestSaturday afternoon (5). Actor Arthur Aguiar was the winner of the competition and He’s the Angel of the Week for the second time. The test, which was agility, was his double tie that define the dynamics.

The duo formed by Arthur Aguiar and Eliezer was the fastest, the brothers finished with a time of only 118.8 seconds, but it was the actor who got the best in the last dispute, finishing with a time of 163.4 seconds.

The following pairs were formed:

  • Lucas and Natalia
  • Jade and Slovenia
  • Lys and Vinicius
  • Arthur and Eliezer
  • Paulo Andre and Lin da Quebrada
  • Gustavo and Giseilan

In the draw, Douglas was unlucky and disqualified from the competition, while Pedro Scobe is the leader of the week and therefore does not participate.

Test dynamics

Lt. Col. Tadeu Schmidt explained how Test dynamics. The player without PicPay (in the white shirt) goes to the perrengues pool to search for five cubes with phrases from Perrengues written on each of them. The other player (with the green jersey) must take the cube and put it in the box next to the cell phone that brings the corresponding solution.

In the cube, we have the phrase perrengue with the keyword in red. On the corresponding cell phone, we have a sentence with the solution perrengue with the same keyword in green. That is, you have to match the keyword in red with the keyword in green.

The cubes must be placed correctly so that the phrase is directed at you. After placing all five cubes, the player using PicPay must press the button to stop the timer. The team with the shortest time will qualify for the final. The players of the best duo will battle each other over the angel necklace. The perrengue cube can only be connected to the duo’s companion via the tube.”

Angel trial sequence

Lucas and Natalia:

The first pair to race were Lucas and Natalia. The eyebrow design was responsible for searching for the cubes, while the medical student received the cubes to place next to the cell phone with the solutions. The pair completed the race in 174.1 seconds. However, they were disqualified, because Lucas made a mistake and did not place the cube correctly.

Jade and Slovenia

Jade, in a white and red blouse, searches for cubes in the pool and Slovenia, in a green blouse, collects cubes next to her cell phone. The girls took some time to find the fifth cube and they ended up with a time of 581.1 seconds.

Lys and Vinicius

Vinicius wears the green jersey, while Lyce wears the white jersey and searches for the cubes in the pool. The duo finished the race with a time of 287.2 seconds.

Arthur and Eliezer

The fourth husband who performed the angel test was Arthur and Eliezer. The two managed to finish the dynamic in just 118.8 seconds.

Paulo Andre and Lin da Quebrada

While PA assembled the cubes next to the cell phone, Lin searched in the pool for the pieces. The fifth pair achieved a time of 159.5 seconds.

Gustavo and Giseilan

The last pair in the Angel race competition, Gustavo, in a white blouse, and Giselaine, in a green blouse, finished the race with a time of 185.9 seconds.

beast punishment

Angel Arthur Aguiar has chosen Slovenia, Lais, and Lin da Quebrada to achieve this week’s Discipline of the Beast, Cavallino de Schmidt.

Whoever is chosen will have to stay with their little horse the whole time and when the music is playing, the Punisher will go to the grass-mounted racetrack and compete in a thrilling feud with the hobby horses. The race only ends when the music stops.

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