An increase in the interest rate, which is the primary rate that the economy considers to raise or lower interest rates, may have caused some banks to raise their average interest rate. personal loan. The increase in April compared to March was recorded by Procon from São Paulo, which obtained data from Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco do Brasil, Itaú, Santander, Bradesco and Banco Safra.
The survey shows that Caixa Econômica is the bank charging the lowest rate for personal loans, 3.89% per month. Santander is the institution with the highest rate: 7.89% per month for personal loans. See the table below with current values for each bank applied monthly:
- Santander – 7.89%
- Bradsko – 7.22%
- Itach – 5.97%
- Crops – 5.90%
- Banco do Brasil – 5.73%
- Caixa Economics – 3.89%
In this way, consumers can get more guidance on which bank of their choice when they need a personal loan and want to avoid spending, especially at this pandemic moment. But in addition to the fees, it is necessary to monitor the possibilities of installment and also the quality of service provided, such as good service.
We also see: A pre-approved Nubank loan immediately grants a period of up to 24 months for its repayment. See more
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