WhatsApp announced this Tuesday (24) that it will respond to requests from the Brazilian authorities to change the Messenger privacy policy to then apply to users in the country. Over a three-month period, the company worked with national authorities to amend the document and better align it with the General Data Protection Regulation (LGPD).
In a new technical note published by the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), The WhatsApp It has shown itself committed to meeting the requirements, and in doing so, the platform will make the privacy notice for Brazilian users more transparent and apply rules similar to what it already does in the European Union.
The contract that governs the relationship between users and Messenger for WhatsApp Business account holders will also be updated. In addition, the messenger will send impact reports and other documents to the ANPD (which is responsible for overseeing compliance with LGPD), and for users, it will promote educational campaigns that will teach how to use the app more safely.
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Until August 31 this year, WhatsApp must provide national bodies with the effects of the changes in the privacy policy. Then, the company will hold a new meeting with the four participating entities – the ANPD, the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade), the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) and the General Secretariat for Consumers (Senacon) – to analyze the points and decide on the next steps.
Remember the privacy policies
Between the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, WhatsApp shook up its presence in Brazil with the implementation of Changes to your privacy policy. In the document, the platform provided a space for user information to be exchanged with Facebook social networking site.
At the time, the company decided that users who had not accepted the terms by February 8 would have their accounts “frozen”. The mysterious deal, a tight deadline and an ultimatum, has put WhatsApp in the crosshairs of the authorities and into a flurry of controversy.
National bodies opposed the change, and near the date, Al-Rasoul pushed the deadline to May 15, taking advantage of the extra time to make the new policy points clear to local authorities and app users.
May has arrived, but due to disagreements with Brazilian entities, the company has again chosen to postpone the start date of its new privacy policy – This time on August 13. In the meantime, The platform will not penalize any user who have not yet agreed to the contract.
What does that mean for users?
For now, nothing has changed for those who use WhatsApp. The company is still in the process of developing changes to the terms and only after that details about their implementation should be disclosed. Now, the company is closer to putting the new contract into practice, as the points demanded by the Brazilian authorities will be met.
“WhatsApp sees an opportunity to clarify information regarding the update of its privacy policy as a positive matter and reiterates that it is in constant contact with the relevant authorities. The company is enhancing its availability for cooperation with the Brazilian authorities and will continue to provide the necessary information both to the authorities and their users,” the Messenger commented in a note sent to Canaltech.
Source: ANPD
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