Since the announcement New Privacy Policy Earlier this year, WhatsApp encountered strong resistance among the app’s users. Many of them even migrated to competitors like cable or Signal. Even the most used messaging software in the world has changed the deadline for accepting the change, but it looks like it does Mark Zuckerberg He couldn’t stand the pressure – at least in India.
That’s because, according to a tweet from Press Trust of IndiaOh The WhatsApp I decided to cancel the May 15 deadline. The car claims that no account will be deleted if the new terms are not accepted by the users.
WhatsApp cancels the May 15 deadline to accept the privacy policy, and says that no accounts will be deleted if users do not accept the terms
Press Trust of India (PTI_News) May 7, 2021
And WhatsApp confirmed in a statement that no one would be harmed. “While most of the users who received the new terms of service agreed to them, we estimate that some people have not yet had the opportunity to do so. No account will be deleted on May 15th due to this update and no one will lose WhatsApp functionality. We will follow up with reminders for people in weeks. Coming. “
Since the change was announced, many government officials have protested against it. The Indian government requested the company to close the policy. It is important to note that it is not yet known whether the abolition of the term will only apply to Indian users or to the world at large.
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