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Whatsapp in stealth mode?  Learn this and more app tricks!

Whatsapp in stealth mode? Learn this and more app tricks!

Most chatting or social networking apps have ways to tag your contacts or followers when you’re online. But as attractive and useful as this feature is for the most part, it can also be problematic. But don’t worry, there are tricks on how to make your Whatsapp invisible, even with internet access. paying off!

How to leave Whatsapp in invisible mode

These features apply to general use of the app, preventing your contacts from knowing that you are online or the last time you entered the app, as they do for other tasks.

So there is a possibility, for example, that it does not appear when viewing a message and no longer shows your published states. But of course all of these options are individual and optional, and you can change them at any time.

These tricks are very useful for anyone who wants to take their Whatsapp offline for some time during the day. know more:

Last seen

This option shows when was the last time you entered the app or if you were online at that moment. So, for those who want to take their Whatsapp offline, this is the most important tool for change.

To turn off Last Seen, click on the three vertical dots on the right side of the screen and then on Settings. Immediately after that, click on “Account”, then on “Privacy”.

In this tab, there will be all the options that we are going to use in this tutorial, but for this option, just click on Last Seen. Once done, you have to select the “Nobody” option. This function will allow your Whatsapp to connect to the internet whenever you want.

Read confirmation

Another tool is to not show the time when you see a message. Each time you open a conversation and the confirmation is triggered, the two dots below the message will turn blue to indicate to the other person that you’ve read it.

Therefore, until this confirmation does not appear, just go to the “Privacy” menu and look for the “Confirm reading” option. Once you are done with that, simply click on the button next to the option and disable it.


You can also stop showing your status to some people, this can make your Whatsapp more unnoticed. This option is ideal for those who want to refresh this app tab but don’t want all contacts to see it.

To do this, go to Settings and tap Privacy again, then find the Status option, then choose Nobody if you don’t want any of your contacts to see your updates. But you can also decide who you want to see and who you don’t.

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