WhatsApp announced a number of new features during the month of April, including ones that were highly anticipated, such as the ability to link a single account with up to four phones. Some of the messenger’s novelties for Android and iPhone (iOS) haven’t been released yet — like the button to save temporary messages, for example — but others can already be used in the app today. In the following lines, mention all the new features announced by WhatsApp during the month of April 2023.
- 7 WhatsApp functions that will change the way you use the app
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WhatsApp issues credit, debit and prepaid card payments
On April 11, WhatsApp began allowing users to make payments via credit, debit, and prepaid cards through the app. This news came some time after the Central Bank launched the application to integrate the method, and it is especially useful for those who use WhatsApp Business as a means of selling. The feature is gradually being released to all shop owners, but now it can be used by all buyers users. Learn more about the new feature here.
WhatsApp gains three new layers of protection for your account
In April, WhatsApp announced new features to keep your account more secure in the app. One of them is Account Protection, which will now check every time you try to migrate your profile to another device. On the source phone, you’ll need to confirm that you actually want to migrate.
In addition, WhatsApp has also launched hardware verification, which aims to protect your account from potential malware. Thus, the idea is to prevent theft of profiles by malicious codes on the platform. Here, you can see more details about the news.
Automatically share status to Facebook
This news is for those who love the WhatsApp Status function: in April, the messenger gained the ability to automatically share this type of post on Facebook. The feature works in a similar way to sharing Instagram Stories, and eliminates the need to manually repost the app’s posts to the Meta social network. Check out more details and learn how to use the auto share button.
Possibility to save temporary messages in WhatsApp
WhatsApp also announced in April that it will soon be possible to store temporary messages in the app. Novelty will be applied to text, voice, or media messages, and must be enabled by the person sending the message. With this feature, the expiration date of clips will not be valid for what you choose to keep. Get a better understanding of the news here.
Connect one account to four mobile phones
Finally, towards the end of April, WhatsApp announced a novelty that the application’s users had been waiting for for a long time: the possibility of linking the same account to up to four mobile phones. The feature is still in the release phase, but it should be available to everyone over the next few months. With this, it will be possible to use one messaging profile on more than one smartphone.
Until then, users could only connect to other types of devices, such as tablets and computers. Now, it is possible to have the same account on two different cell phones, even with different operating systems – so you can have your WhatsApp on Android and iPhone at the same time. Encryption remains end-to-end. See details about the new feature here.
See also: How is space freed up on a mobile phone? See Android and iPhone options
How is space freed up on a mobile phone? See Android and iPhone options
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