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WhatsApp allows sending single-width photos

WhatsApp allows sending single-width photos

After some time available to Few usersWhatsApp has finally made available the feature that allows sending single-width images between users of the platform. Interestingly, the feature arrives on the same day that a file appears Twitter disable a similar feature, Twitter FleetsBecause of the low usage rate.

The new feature allows sending photos and videos that can be viewed only once, and after the first viewing they disappear, which can be positive not only from the point of view of privacy, but also from the use of smartphone storage, especially for owners Simpler devices, since the files are not stored locally.

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Single view images are very useful for sending sensitive content such as passwords, bank data And intimate photos, which are content that people generally don’t want to leak. The novelty was already available in beta tests, and now it is starting to be made available to all WhatsApp users in a gradual manner.

It has its holes…

Like all messages exchanged via WhatsApp, single-display images are protected with end-to-end encryption. to me BusinessEven your employees can’t see it. To make it easier to distinguish between single-view images and “normal” images, new files will be marked with a numbered 1 symbol.

Once you have seen the image, the words ‘open message’ will replace the words ‘photo’ or ‘video’. The goal is to let both parties know that the message has already been seen. However, it is different from snap chatWhatsApp does not send any notification to let you know if a screenshot has been taken, which could make the feature less secure.

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How to use the feature

Code to send a single display image
Code to convert an image or video into a single display media file. Credit: Reproduction / Digital Outlook

Uploading a photo or video from a single view on WhatsApp is very simple and only requires three steps:

  1. The option to upload a photo or video must be selected;
  2. Then tap on the number 1 icon next to the space to write a caption for the photo;
  3. Click on the send button.

with info from Blog do WhatsApp

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