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What is this fight between Patricia Poeta and Manuel Soares? – Prism glass

This may be a slight impression, but it all leads to the belief that there is, yes, some ill will with the new “Encontro”, by Globo, on the part of some.

All the while, someone appears to be talking and criticizing something or even confirming that those responsible, and by that I mean Patricia Poeta and Manuel Soares, can’t stand each other. They hardly share pictures.

Truth or lie, no one has gone so far, neither he nor she, to ask whether there was such a reprimand. Until proven otherwise, no one in the air saw any exchange of thorns or ugly faces between the two.

Indeed, for the case in question, the famous phrase of Joao Saldanha, when he was a coach, is quite appropriate: “I want this man to play in my team. And do not marry my daughter. “

For purposes and influences, Patricia and Manuel are there to present a show and both, who are professionals, have shown themselves to be very close partners, without showing any kind of animosity to anyone.

And as for the results, it should be noted that Ibope, at 7 or 8 points, is exactly the same as in the time of Fatima Bernardes.

So continue the game.

at height

Cidade Alerta’s audience growth in recent times is very significant, always with double digit peaks.

Evidence that the recent modifications and innovations in its gallery have been well patched. The space for pets, for example, has had huge repercussions.

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The series “La Brea: A Terra Perdida” has become one of Globoplay’s great audience successes, and now, its first season will be broadcast on Globo, in September.

In the United States, at the end of next month, on NBC, the second episode will be broadcast.


This is another one from the “Don’t Tell Anyone” series, because the secrecy surrounding it is still pretty great, but SBT is, yes, developing a new project for its play. It is a partnership.

It should explode at any moment.

By the way

About SBT Also, two of its representatives can now be confirmed at the next Mipcom, in Cannes, between October 17-20.

Contributors Daniela Perotti and Richard Vaughn International Consultant have booked tickets.


The presidential debate, scheduled for next Sunday, is keeping the band’s direction and partners from sleeping.

So far, this has been confirmed, but has already been confirmed, by Cerro Gomez (PDT), Simon Tebet (MDB), Felipe de Avila (Novo), and Soraya Thronic (UB).

tick and deselect

As for the candidates Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) and Jair Bolsonaro (PL), different information appears about their participation at every moment. And so it must continue until Sunday at the time of the discussion.

The debate that will happen with or without them. The empty platform tactic will be used if one or the other or both do not appear.

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the new era

Like other Globo series, “Travessia,” a new work by Gloria Perez, will have fewer actors on stage.

If you cross the 30 mark, it will be cause for celebration. The current policy on the selection of representatives is increasingly strict.

natural rhythm

Pantanal, at the current stage, has bid farewell to Leandro Lima, Gabriel Satter, Marcela Vetter, Dan Stolbach, Coy Campos, and others.

But according to Globo, there are still plenty of recordings in Rio de Janeiro.


Aguinaldo Silva, in Portugal, is immersed in work and writing live almost all day.

But because of his “confidentiality contract”, he doesn’t want to say what he’s about or even who the matter is.


About complaints from a screen connected to the Globo, inside the VAR room, in the matches of the Brazilian Championship, A and B, or Copa do Brasil, the Brazilian Confederation took action.

Now, instead of one, there are two screens. truly. You will see that in order to calibrate more views and whistles.


Journalist Iara Oliveira, who is in charge of the sports district, invited CNN Brazil.

“I can say that I have been a tireless and passionate advocate of the sport since the channel debuted in the country…, [mas] Courses must be closed so that new ones can be opened … ”, Iara wrote in one of the social networks.


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In “Cara e Coragem”, Marcinha, Alana Ferri’s character, is the teacher of the vertical dance company and is involved in the love triangle between Rico (Andre-Louise Frambach) and Lou (Vitoria Boone).

In addition to being an actress, Alana also writes that she is a dancer and celebrates her character’s growth. Her first TV appearance was in “Malhação – Full House” by Ana Maria and Patricia Moritzon.

hit – decisive

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