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What is known about DJ O Mandrake, the Brazilian funk artist who collaborated on Beyoncé's album

What is known about DJ O Mandrake, the Brazilian funk artist who collaborated on Beyoncé's album

The long-awaited release of his latest album BeyonceWorthy “Chapter Two: Cowboy Country“, in the presence of A a sample From Brazilian funk on the track”Second spaghetti”, which is about to arrive on Brazilian digital platforms as of midnight on Friday (29).

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The song uses an excerpt from “Dundas warm up“, an amazing rhythm created by DJ, Mandrake. The news was confirmed by the musician himself on social networks, where he expressed his gratitude for this opportunity.

This isn't the first time Beyoncé has succumbed to Brazilian funk beats. During the singer's visit to Brazil in 2013, where she performed in Rock in RioThe pop singer danced to the tune of the song.Steering wheel step“, also known as”Oh lekes“.

Who is Mandrake?

The 47-year-old musician is the son of the broadcaster at Estácio de Sá samba Marilyn Povao. From a young age he showed interest in music. In 1980, DJ O Mandrake, still a teenager, took part in… Hurricane 2000.

Mandrake was one of those responsible for the successes of artists such as Valeska and MC Leosinho. It was the latter who gave him the idea of ​​adding an acoustic guitar to a funk rhythm, resulting in an innovative melody.

Listen to the original song used in a snippet of Beyoncé's song:

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