Sources: Andrea Antunes SetelinPulmonologist and Professor in the Pulmonology Section of the Clinical Medicine Department of FMRP-USP (School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo); Tobacco Study Group (Angelo Andrade Tartaglia, General Practitioner; Felipe Celso Escolano de Paula; Gabriel Zampieri; Joseph Marcinkevicius and Maria Luisa de Andrade Reis, FMRP-USP undergraduate medical students); Angelo Andrade TartagliaGeneral Doctor; Joao Baptista Carlos de Sa FilhoPulmonologist at HU-UFMA (University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhão), which is part of the Ebserh network (Brazilian Hospital Services Company), Secretary of SBPT-Maranhão (Brazilian Society of Pulmonology and Pulmonology); Mariana PinhoNurse and Tobacco Control Project Coordinator at ACT – Health Promotion. Technical review: Andrea Antunes Setelin.
References: INCA (National Cancer Institute); SBPT Smoking Cessation Guidelines (2008); WHO (World Health Organization); CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention); American Cancer Society.
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