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What happens to your body when you skip dinner?

What happens to your body when you skip dinner?

Advice from an endocrinologist

Before putting this type of measure into practice, keep in mind that not everyone can follow a low-carb diet.

Some people cannot skip dinner, and there are those who need to eat every 3 hours. Therefore, if the idea is to lose weight, the best diet is the one that is adapted to the patient, that is, it must be personalized.

Skipping dinner may be an option for those who need to reduce their daily calories a little, but it's not right for everyone.

Changing your eating pattern for 15 days does not help in treating any health problem, especially weight gain. In this case, the changes must be targeted and long-term.

Sources: Flavia OhlerNutritionist, Specialist in Clinical Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy, MSc in Food and Nutrition, Doctor of Health Sciences and Nutrition Course Coordinator at PUC-PR; Judson Teixeirapsychiatrist at HU-Univasf (University Hospital of the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco), linked to the Ebserh network (Brazilian Hospital Services Company); Marcio ManciniEndocrinologist, Head of the Obesity Group at HC-FMUSP (Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo), Vice President of the Obesity Section at SBEM-SP (Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia Regional São Paulo). Technical review: Flavia Ohler.

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