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Want to change the country?  First, check out the pros and cons of living abroad!

Want to change the country? First, check out the pros and cons of living abroad!

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Many people, whether they are students or people about to retire, plan to live abroad. However, moving to another country is not a decision to be taken lightly and undoubtedly requires planning and a lot of thought. So, we break down some of the pros and cons of living abroad to help you through the process.

Of course, we always think about the changes we would like to make in our lives. Be it old dreams or new job opportunities for example. Not to mention quality and safety, highly valued goods today.

While there are indeed a number of advantages to living in another country, such a drastic change requires careful consideration of both sides of the scale. Come see, then, the pros and cons of living abroad so that your decision-making process can be more nuanced.

The pros and cons of living in another country: starting with the advantages

Living in a different climate, immersing yourself in another culture or raising your family in another country are great opportunities. These are just some of the reasons why many people turn to expats. So we will start with the benefits of living abroad.

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Climate change

Generally, those who live in cold countries want to get rid of harsh winters. On the other hand, there are those who want to escape from the high tropical temperatures. Therefore, this is one of the positives of living abroad, namely the opportunity to live in a different climate.

Balancing personal life and work

Although this is very relative and depends on both the profession and the company, many countries have looser rules regarding working hours. In Spain and Germany, for example, priority is given to leisure time and even exams that reduce working days during the week.

In addition, there are benefits such as paternity leave, paid holidays, and other benefits that improve the quality of life without leaving the job aside.

Learning a new language is a plus for living abroad

You can be a Brazilian living in Portugal, an Englishman living in Australia… and there will always be news in terms of languages. Imagine that you are moving to a country that speaks a completely different language! On a daily basis, you improve your skills and enhance your career opportunities.

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Discover a new culture

Just like learning a new language, one of the positives of living abroad, of course, is immersing yourself in the country’s culture. This applies to habits, cuisine, education and daily habits. And when you go to a country that welcomes diverse immigrants, the cultural expansion is even greater.

Between the pros and cons of living abroad, changing places is a good thing

First of all, you need to remember the qualities of living in your country, such as culture, family, friends, and your comfort zone. But Brazilians, for example, are kind of tired of problems with security, politics, and opportunity.

Therefore, among the pros and cons of living abroad, one of the advantages is, above all, the change of scenery. It is worth looking in countries where the economy is more stable, there are good job opportunities and, of course, security.

get an education

Whether you are a student or someone who is looking for a quality education for your children or teens, among the pros and cons of living is the opportunity to study well. Some countries are famous, to begin with, for their education system, such as Ireland and Switzerland.

Also, those that facilitate access to higher education or postgraduate studies, such as Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States.

Salaries are among the pros and cons of living abroad

At first, many people leave for Europe and the United States, for example, in search of better wages, mainly due to the value of the currency. However, there is a large influx of professionals that companies transfer to other countries, as well as those who find excellent opportunities in their home regions abroad.

Make new friends

Among the pros and cons of living abroad, it is necessary, above all, to highlight the possibility of making new friends. Above all, because you are getting out of your bubble, and in order not to live in true isolation and loneliness, you need to meet new people. Including forming a support network.

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Live a new experience

Is it easy to live abroad? No, as you will see later, there is the other side of the coin. But remember, you only live once, so the opportunity to travel abroad offers you new perspectives and to learn about yourself and new cultures.

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Pros and Cons of Living Abroad: Its Disadvantages Now

Since everything has two sides, it’s time to learn about some of the disadvantages of living abroad. What are the downsides of living abroad?

Leave friends and family behind

This is undoubtedly one of the most important elements when analyzing the pros and cons of living abroad. Especially those who are very attached to friends and family, they need to analyze whether they have emotional support to face the distance, the longing, and, believe me, the pressure! On the other hand, flights and even video calls help reduce this pain.

I miss home

You can talk bad about your country, say you can’t stand your family or friends anymore, but be sure that when you live abroad, you will miss everything. Also, when you move abroad, you leave everything familiar behind. Soon, it’s normal to miss out.

Do you know what you can do? Cook your favorite dish, call family and friends for a video call and even search for bars or communities in your country where you live.

Documentation: One of the biggest downsides to living abroad

If you want to live a good life and work for a good company, you definitely need documents. By the way, most countries require visas and work permits. Therefore, the ideal is to arrange this as far in advance as possible, even because the requirements in some places are quite extensive.

In addition, you will be starting a new life abroad and, accordingly, you will need documents specific to that country. This is key to accessing basic services, even health ones.

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change process

Moving to another country is stressful in and of itself. Thinking about what to take, where to leave what you want, bureaucracy, finding a home, learning about transportation and adapting itself. Want a tip? If you can, hire a consulting firm or moving company to make everything easier.

Access to health

Primarily Brazilians, who have access to public health services and vaccination, are surprised by the first hospital bill when they need care. In many countries, healthcare is very expensive and service delivery is not always the best. So try to get private insurance.

language barrier

At the same time that you can learn a new language, until that happens, you are experiencing language difficulties. However, some great features help break down this barrier, such as translation apps.

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culture shock

Undeniably, among the pros and cons of living abroad is immersing yourself in a new culture. On the other hand, you may experience some trauma due to the difference in habits and you really need to be careful not to make dangerous slips. Even if this adjustment is part of your new life, do your research before moving to make it less difficult.

So, given the pros and cons of living abroad, is the experience worth it? Yes, you just need to plan, research and, above all, know yourself. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages, despite the challenges that come with change. And if all doesn’t work out, your country will be with open arms to welcome you back.

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