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Wanessa Camargo comes up with a theory that it was canceled after noticing unusual details during the party

Wanessa Camargo comes up with a theory that it was canceled after noticing unusual details during the party

Wanessa Camargo is sure to be canceled from

Wanessa Camargo is sure to be canceled from 'BBB 24'.

Image: Reproduction, Globoplay/Purepeople

Wanessa Camargo have been cancelled? The singer thinks so! Daughter of Zizi de Camargo She admitted it might be Hated by reality audiences. The reason she created a theory about her reputation has to do with a small detail that went unnoticed by anyone at the “BBB 24” party except her.

Wanessa Camargo thinks it's been cancelled

This Thursday (1), Wanessa Camargo was talking to some bros when she admitted that she thought she was canceled by the “BBB 24” crowd. The singer came up with this theory after watching the Gloria Groove show held in Controversial party this Thursday (31) on reality. According to Wanessa, there were 3 people working in her team on stage with the singer's band. However, none of them looked at her and so she thinks it could be a sign.

There were three people from my team in Gloria's band yesterday, and no one looked at my face. Does this mean I cancelled?” She said worried. Wanessa is sure she has really lost fans. ” I'm sure I am too. My dancer, Monique, didn't even look at me. I looked at her as if I didn't know her. The guitarist and singer are there too…three of my band members were with Gloria“, He said. MC Bin Laden I tried to ease the situation. ” Stop, Vanessa. Stop stop stop! If they're on your team and they look up to you…“, He said.

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