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Waiting for one year, the patient says that health interrupted him in ST – Farol de Notícias

Waiting for one year, the patient says that health interrupted him in ST – Farol de Notícias

Waiting for one year, the patient says that health interrupted him in ST – Farol de NotíciasWaiting for one year, the patient says that health interrupted him in ST – Farol de Notícias
After waiting a year, the patient says he has a healthy interruption in the ST – Photo: Farol de Notícias

A self-employed professional from the Cohab neighborhood of Serra Talhada sought… Beacon NewsThis morning, Wednesday (26), to submit a complaint about the service provided by the Regulation Department of the Health Department.

According to the woman, she had been struggling to conceive for more than a year, but was diagnosed with endometriosis and needed to undergo a series of tests. However, she says she has had difficulties getting action through regulation.

“We talk to the attendants and they speak very reluctantly. They say that if there are vacancies in rural areas, I can make an appointment, and that was not the case before. The receptionist said that I am not a priority. Even if I am not a priority, I have been waiting since For more than a year, it feels like they don’t want me to solve my problem. It’s like the health service boycotted me,” the woman said regretfully.

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The Ministry of Health releases an explanatory memorandum

Farol contacted the Serra Talhada Health Department, which in a statement expressed its regret for the delay in implementing the procedures, and stated that the service depends on the availability of vacancies organized by the state. paying off.

“We understand the patient’s anxiety and frustration regarding the delay in conducting the necessary tests. The mentioned procedures are very complex and depend on the availability of vacancies organized by the state for the municipality.

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We strictly follow the order of priority set by regulations to ensure equal access to health services.

This means that all patients are evaluated by the state’s regulatory physician, who indicates the urgency of the matter, and so the rest of the patients wait in line according to established guidelines for care.

We are in constant contact with the competent authorities to search for a solution as quickly as possible and to meet all demands within the necessary dates.”