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Violet and purple will be the colors of the year 2023, according to numerology

Violet and purple will be the colors of the year 2023, according to numerology

For those who don’t know, numerology is the study of numbers and it can affect a person’s personality and destiny. More and more people are interested in numbers and their mystical messages. According to the numerologythese will be the colors of the year 2023 and are directly related to the number 7. Check out more in the article.

Read more: Numerology: Check the forecast from November 28 to December 4

Why will purple and violet be the colors of 2023?

Violet and purple will be the colors of the year 2023 and are directly associated with the number 7.

Description has nothing to do with a symbol, but with an understanding that stabilizes and balances the trinity of body, mind, and emotions. Connecting color therapy with numerology.

In 2023, the year will be global 7. This is the sum of the numbers of the year that will begin. The sum is as follows: 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7. According to chromotherapy, the color associated with the number 7 is violet or lilac, and thus is considered the color of the year 2023.

In case you didn’t know, color therapy is the use of colors as a therapy that establishes harmony and balance between the mind, body, and emotions. Each color has a different therapeutic function.

The number 7 means self-knowledge, and this means that the year 2023 will deepen the spiritual side and connect with it.

How do you use the color that rules the year 2023?

The color of 2023 violet is associated with calmness, balance, tranquility, and protection and will help you plunge into a journey in search of self-knowledge.

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According to color therapy, color will bring countless benefits, in addition to bringing balance to your life. Tone expresses authority and tends to increase focus.

Here are some tips for making good use of colour:

  • choose accessories, clothes and things in this color;
  • enjoy the colors to reach a higher level of knowledge;
  • Use the energy of violet to decorate your home;
  • Use color in presentations and lectures.