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VIDEO: Members of the rock band quarrel on stage, shocking fans in the UK

VIDEO: Members of the rock band quarrel on stage, shocking fans in the UK

The View’s vocalist and bass player had to be separated after a fight | Photo: playback / twitter

During a show at a nightclub in the UK last Wednesday night, the 10th, the vocalist and guitarist of The View engaged in a physical fight which caused the show to be cancelled. The group has returned to its activities after five years of hiatus.

Videos circulating on social networks show the moment when guitarist Kieran Webster pushes singer Kyle Falconer’s microphone, apparently in a joking tone, but Falconer reacts passively, leaving for his bandmate.

Watch the video:

According to the British newspaper “The Sun”, the fight broke out at the hands of people close to the musicians. Al-Saqr would even issue threats, saying, “I will kill you. The problem with this band is that he wants to sing the songs and he can’t.”

The band apologized on social media and canceled a concert scheduled for the following day in London, with the promise of a future announcement of the situation.

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