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Video: An excerpt from Davi’s participation in the “Tas Horas” leaks and the “BBB” champion appears talking about Mane: “He did not respect my moment.”

Video: An excerpt from Davi’s participation in the “Tas Horas” leaks and the “BBB” champion appears talking about Mane: “He did not respect my moment.”

The breakup of “BBB 24” winner Daffy Brito and Manny Rigo has made something of a buzz on the web in recent days. The controversy started when Bahian stated that the two are still getting to know each other, even though he called her his wife on the reality show. This Tuesday (23), the former brother registered his participation in “Altas Horas”, and in a video posted on the Leo Dias portal, Davi not only confirmed the ending, but also vented about the situation.

The boy states in the report that winning the reality TV show “Globo” left him distraught and that he asked for time, which his former partner did not respect. “I wanted everyone, everyone, my family, to respect me a little bit, because I needed a moment to think about what was happening. But in general, they didn’t respect me very much, they bombarded me with information. I stopped in bed and was in shock.”He began.

David and Manny
Daffy and Manny broke up after Bahian won “BBB 24”. (Image: clone/Instagram)

He then asserted that Mane would have acted in the same way, without giving him enough time to process all the changes. “Even my ex-girlfriend (Mani Rijo) broke up with me. She didn’t know how to respect my moment, what I was experiencing at that moment.”He mentioned.

Manny Rigo breaks the silence about Daffy: “By magic, I became like the product the person chooses on the shelf that I will be” (Clone / Instagram)
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Duffy went on to say that he tried to talk to the dealer, but to no avail. “I talked to her, I explained to her what was happening in my life and I said: 'Calm down, please, just be calm. Let's go back to El Salvador to talk, and get on with our lives, with or without money, let's keep living our lives. Everything that's happening is crazy.'He said. Watch below:

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