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Video: A man records the first tsunami waves that destroyed Thailand

Video: A man records the first tsunami waves that destroyed Thailand

Julian Haden and his friends were on Ko Ngai beach hours before the tsunami hit Image: YouTube @JulianHadden1 / Reproduction

An old video from 2013 ended up going viral this week. The reason is that Julian Haden, a photographer who now lives in Bangkok, the Thai capital, recorded what could have been the beginning of the tsunami that struck Thailand in 2004. The natural disaster killed 230,000 people.

In the video, which was posted more than ten years ago, it is possible to see people on the paradisiacal beach of Koh Ngai. At the beginning of the record, the water recedes quickly. After that, the waves start to get weird and more aggressive, invading the sand bar to the point where tourists need to remove their belongings from the chairs.

Watch the unprecedented record of the first waves of what would become the 2004 tsunami in Thailand:

The exaggerated proximity of the ship to the shore also catches the group's attention.

Hadden and his friends did not imagine that hours later, a giant wave would invade the same beach, bringing chaos to the place. In addition to Thailand, the tsunami affected 14 countries, including India, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. At least 1.7 million people were left homeless or injured.

According to Hadden, all the people in the video survived because the group was on the landward side of Koh Ngai Island and was not directly exposed to the tsunami.

The video received 11 million views and more than 2,300 comments.

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