This Friday (28), chief loadingAnd the Thiago Garcia, Employees who were fired from the channel have been banned on social networks. At least that’s what some of the professionals who worked at the station posted on Twitter. In one of the complaints, a former collaborator warned that there was no official notice from the channel about the network change. It also stated that they had not received any position from the broadcaster regarding the collective dismissal.
It continues after the announcement
“Well, we didn’t have the official download site. There was no email, no internet call, no meeting. No data on mass layoffs. But, as compensation, the CEO, Thiago Garcia, and the other one blocked me. On Twitter,” Said a former download employee.
The loading of the presenters and employees is reflected in the channel’s hairstyles and the changes to the big ones, With the closure of live and unpublished programs. The information was disclosed exclusively by Get it. On social media, some familiar faces of the station criticized the change and talked about the channel’s end.
“The download journey is over. What a great and willing team we come together to give live entertainment on our open screen TV. How many wonderful moments have we had together, right?” Presenter wrote Fernanda Pineda.
“Guys, the upload is over. We got this news at 5 p.m. No more. Thanks to everyone who watched, interacted and shared. We’re trying to understand everything that happened. It was (and still is) really crazy. Thank you, it really changed my life.” Felipe Goldenberg.
Hey Collapso da Loading
In less than six months on air, The download channel will end its live and unpublished productionsThey only passed anime programs and programs. On Thursday noon (27), the administration met with the radio employees to announce the end of the live and unpublished programs. As a result, nearly 60 people have been laid off, according to Get it.
CEO Anderson Abracus’ justification at the meeting was that Kalonga, the main sponsor of the broadcast, had abandoned the investment. The report contacted the press office of the channel, which has not yet commented on the closure of unprecedented activities in the program.
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