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University President Marcelo Turin has been appointed to the National Council for Science and Technology

University President Marcelo Turin has been appointed to the National Council for Science and Technology

The Dean of the UFMS, Marcelo Turin, has been appointed as a member of the National Council for Science and Technology (CCT) by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Marcos Pontes, through Decree No. 726, of July 27, 2021. For the first time a researcher and Dean of the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul participates in The largest university of science, technology and innovation in Brazil.

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“I am very pleased to be representing in this National Council for Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation with companies, scientific institutions and the government of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. It is an honor and a responsibility to contribute to the development of the project,” said Dean Marcelo Touraine.

CCT is the presidential advisory body to the President of the Republic for the formulation and implementation of the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, established by Law No. 9257 of January 9, 1996, and regulated by Decree No. 10.57, October 14, 2019.

UFMS has been highlighted on the national and international arena

Also in June of this year, Dean Marcelo Turin took up his position as a member of the advisory board of the National Institute of Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), whose mission is to “support the formulation of educational policies at various levels of government with a view to contributing to the economic and social development of the country”, and has been Appointed as Ambassador of the Innovation Parliament for Innovation and Institutional Development of Higher Education in Mercosur.

About CCT

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The CCT is also made up of representatives selected by entities from the education, research, science and technology sectors and among its competencies: 1 – Proposing the country’s science and technology policy, as a resource and an integral part of the national development policy; II. Formulation, in conjunction with other government policies, plans, and objectives, and national science and technology priorities, with specifications for tools and resources; III – to carry out assessments related to the implementation of the national science and technology policy; Fourth – opinion on proposals or programs that may affect the national policy of scientific and technological development, as well as on normative actions of any kind aimed at their regulation.