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Unimed Sergipe Warns of Covid-19 Consequences for Pregnant Women – Infonet – What’s New on Sergipe

Unimed Sergipe Warns of Covid-19 Consequences for Pregnant Women – Infonet – What’s New on Sergipe

Pregnant women with symptoms of COVID-19 have two to three times the risk of preterm labor.

Although the fact of pregnancy does not mean a greater chance of infection with the new Coronavirus, pregnancy can be a factor that helps exacerbate the clinical condition of a Covid-19 patient, which requires specialized care. According to the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, pregnant women with symptoms of Covid-19 have two to three times the risk of premature labor.

“Pregnant women who are infected, especially those with pneumonia, seem to have a higher rate of preterm births – birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy – and possibly a cesarean delivery, which is likely linked to more serious maternal illnesses. Most premature births occur because of the schedule of doctors who help A pregnant woman, whether by induction of labor or scheduled cesarean delivery, ”explains Unimed Sergipe’s collaborative infection specialist, Karina Ramalho.

According to the infection specialist, most infected pregnant women recover without expecting childbirth. She stated that there is no conclusive evidence that the new coronavirus crosses the placenta and infects the fetus. However, the doctor says there have been some cases of placental tissues or membranes with SARS-CoV-2 (the new coronavirus) and some potential infections in the womb.

“Despite this occurring, some newborn cases, described in the literature, may have been a false-positive test result or an infection acquired shortly after birth. Reports of COVID-19 infection in newborns generally indicate mild illness,” says Karina Ramalho.

In any case, when it comes to coronavirus, it is best to avoid it. Therefore, the infectious disease specialist recommends some precautions that a pregnant woman should take so that she can continue her pregnancy normally and avoid infection.

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“Pregnant women should organize themselves to leave the house only in situations where it is absolutely necessary and for the shortest possible time to carry out activities such as prenatal consultations, conduct tests to monitor pregnancy, apply vaccinations, etc., in addition to avoiding unnecessary contact. With anyone else, because we are In the period of the virus spreading dramatically with an increase in infection, “she instructs Karina.