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Understand what the official FGTS of the federal government will be

Understand what the official FGTS of the federal government will be

Many families are facing financial hardship due to the crisis in which the country finds itself. Many of them find a solution by seeking loans from financial institutions.

One such method is a payroll loan. This type of credit works in a simple way. The customer requests the amount and time of installment payments, and the amount is deducted directly from some types of income.

See how FGTS shipment works – Photo: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia/pronatec.pro.br

FGTS payroll

The federal government is looking for a way to use the Stop Compensation Fund (FGTS) as the basis for the payroll loan. The goal is to help citizens finance affordable housing.

The information came to the attention of the population through the press on the seventh day. The goal is for these people to refer to the credit as a form of security when entering the Minha Casa Verde e Amarela programme.

The FGTS Futuro, as it has become known, will act as a forecast of the amounts received if you continue to be employed. In this way, the current balance will not be considered, but what will be available in the near future will be considered. Therefore, the government aims to bring up the idea even before the presidential elections.

However, it is necessary to note that even after the proposal has been submitted, it is likely that it will take some time for the new to take effect. This is because it will still be necessary to obtain approval from the FGTS Board of Trustees.

After that moment, there could still be 120 days for the banks to be ready to introduce the method. For these reasons, it is important for interested parties to be patient, because if approved, the initiative should only be available in 2023.

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See how it works

As mentioned earlier, the government’s idea is to allow the Minha Casa Verde e Amarela program to use FGTS Futuro as an account. Thus, the system can calculate how much a person will have in the fund if he continues to work.

If the initiative is accepted, then the FGTS amounts will be automatically blocked, so that they can serve as a guarantee for the repayment of the selected loan. With the possibility of using the new program, the ministry believes that it will be able to increase funding for the social program by up to 80,000 units during the first 12 months.

However, members of the Ministry comment that everything will depend on what the Board of Trustees decides about the document. Only through him will the government be able to draw a kind of the most faithful panorama and more specific projections.

see also: FGTS: Workers can get up to R$10,000 after reviewing the fund; know more