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Understand the symptoms, causes, and risks

Understand the symptoms, causes, and risks

Photo: Dernuemann/Pixabay

Constipation, trapped bowels, or intestinal constipation is an illness that indicates difficulty in evacuation, even if the person feels like going to the bathroom. This condition affects about 20% of the world’s population, causes a lot of discomfort and can be caused by practices ranging from diet to a sedentary lifestyle.

The main cause of this disease is due to insufficient consumption of fiber. However, other aspects can also interfere with the functioning of the bowel, which can be present from childhood to adulthood, becoming chronic and thus causing other problems such as enuresis, explains Marta Lira, a dental practice nurse with a focus on enuresis at the Conva Care clinic. .

The specialist explains that the normal frequency of bowel movements is at least 3 times a week, with up to 3 bowel movements per day being considered normal. According to Marta, the most common causes of constipation are primarily associated with a low-fiber diet, low fluid intake, and excessive consumption of animal protein and processed foods.

In addition, other factors, such as lack of physical exercise, aging, failure to respond to the need to evacuate when it arises, consumption of certain medications, stress, depression, and anxiety are other events that can interfere with bowel habits. The condition may also be associated with bowel tumors, lupus, and diabetes.

The first symptom of intestinal constipation is difficulty eliminating stool and gas, with a decreased number of bowel movements, and a feeling of incomplete bowel emptying, which may be accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite.

Marta explains about the treatment of the disease in an effort to improve the quality of life for those who suffer from constipation. According to her, the rehabilitation program consists of conducting an analysis to identify the existing defects from eating, healthy habits, nervous and even social that interfere with the health of the digestive system. “We have therapies that help to better identify these issues, such as electrical muscle biofeedback, electrical stimulation, relaxation techniques, and positioning on the toilet,” he comments.

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Constipation risks

For many people, the disease may seem harmless and resemble a common condition, but it can lead to serious health problems: in addition to predisposing to the appearance of symptoms such as irritability and insomnia, it leads to the formation of intestinal lesions and the appearance of hemorrhoids, the occurrence of prolapse, the appearance of anal fissures, the development of diverticulosis and fecal pressure.

Habits that help in the work of the intestines

  • go to the bathroom whenever you want;
  • drink a lot, but drink in moderation; because it helps to dry out the stool;
  • Eat at least 25 grams of high-fiber foods per day, such as: cereals, unpeeled fruits if possible, greens, greens, and beans;
  • Avoid the following foods: rice, potatoes, wheat flour, guava and lemon juices, cassava, white bread.
  • try to manage stressful situations and anxiety attacks;
  • Go to the doctor, if the stools are very dry or very thin, if there are signs of bleeding, or if you are losing weight without any apparent explanation;
  • Doing physical activities.

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