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UK Teachers' Union defends drag queen show for children

UK Teachers' Union defends drag queen show for children

A new movement from the UK's largest teachers' union, the National Education Union (NEU), is calling on schools to support drag events to help create safe spaces for LGBT students. During its annual conference, Near East University passed Proposition 34, entitled “Raising the Aspirations of LGBT+ Students in Our Schools.”

Therefore, the conference highlighted the apparent lack of “LGBT-inclusive education” and spaces for students to discuss their gender or sexuality, claiming that some schools did not allow LGBT authors to visit and that the “far-right” attacked initiatives such as “ gay community.” Drag queen history.

Furthermore, the motion claims that the government is creating a “hostile” environment for transgender individuals by using Section 35, which allows the British government to block a Scottish Parliament bill from receiving royal assent, to block Scottish gender recognition reform law.

according to Christian todayThe bill changed the process for obtaining a “gender recognition certificate.”

In this regard, the teachers' union acknowledged that some schools have “developed good practices” regarding LGBT curricula and spaces for LGBT students since the repeal of Article 28, which prohibits the promotion of homosexuality through teaching or published materials.

In this way, they assert that it is the educational union's duty to “publicly raise the aspirations, hopes and dreams of LGBT+ students and encourage all schools to create LGBT+ spaces”, arguing that creating spaces for these students challenges “homophobia, biphobia and transphobia”. in schools”.

“Initiatives like Drag Queen Story Time and inviting LGBT+ authors into schools can help challenge the heteronormative culture and curriculum that dominates education,” the conference agenda continued.

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Finally, Near East University said it is committed to sharing and disseminating resources and teaching strategies to help members support the success and positive school experiences of all LGBT+ students, including trans and non-binary students.