Students Wagner Ramos Dantas and Fanedi Alves dos Santos, both from a BA course in Psychology, from the Center for Education (CE) of the Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB), published the work Experiences, Artificial Intelligence, and Augmented Reality: Connections to the Body and Sensory Experiences As a book chapter on international work Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence: The Fusion of Advanced Technologiesby Springer Publishing.
The UFPB student class, under the guidance of Professor Mateusz David Vinko, deals with augmented reality (AR) as one of the most prominent technologies in enhancing immersive and sensory experiences.
The study examined the main directions of artificial intelligence (AI) through game engines – capable of joining and building all game elements – and application in complex deep learning systems.
The customization of effective models to engage and monitor human interaction in an immersive way in activities such as health and well-being has also been studied. The study, which was made especially for publication, demonstrates the importance of another growing field, entertainment, which has been bringing new connections with virtual reality (VR) in the latest generation of electronic games with large-scale interaction (exergames).
According to the authors, exergames currently aims to connect body movements to games through the sensory immersion of augmented reality, thus promoting new possibilities for the evolution of video games.
For Professor Mateusz Vinko, who is also the Internationalization Consultant at the Education Center, it is essential to constantly encourage students to participate in publications in a foreign language, as well as to learn other languages.
This contributes to the upgrading and qualification of our undergraduate courses and postgraduate programmes. Moreover, it is a great opportunity for future collaborative work with other foreign institutions, so that we are in direct contact with the international scientific community,” explained the professor.
Springer is a global publishing house based in Berlin, Germany that publishes textbooks, academic reference books, and articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals focusing on science, technology, mathematics, and medicine.
The publication of the book Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence: Fusion of Advanced Technologies was organized by Vladimir Jeromenko, of the British University in Egypt, and involved researchers, university professors and recognized scientists from Slovenia, Ukraine, Australia, the USA and Serbia. United Arab Emirates, Greece, Romania, United Kingdom, Egypt, China, France, Japan, Italy, Spain, Brazil and Portugal.
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Reporting: Illidian Bukeveki
Editing: Allen Lens
Images: Disclosure
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