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Ufopa announces Master’s Degree in Forest Science, Technology and Innovation

Ufopa announces Master’s Degree in Forest Science, Technology and Innovation

The Federal University of Western Pará (Ufopa) has received approval from the Coordinating Body for the Improvement of Personnel in Higher Education (Capes) to implement another postgraduate program to be offered in the city of Santarem (Pennsylvania). This is a Master’s degree in Forest Science, Technology and Innovation, which aims to train human resources with excellence and a solid scientific-technical base, capable of assuming leadership positions in the forestry sector.

The new postgraduate program is linked to the Institute of Biodiversity and Forestry (Ibef) and aims to expand the training of bachelors trained in university courses related to forestry, in order to generate knowledge in the areas of indigenous forest management, production, forestry and agroforestry systems, technology of wood and non-wood products, and bioproduct development. For forestry, innovation and restoration of degraded areas.

Professor Dr. Tiago Vieira, coordinator of the proposal, points out that this will be the first postgraduate programme In the strict sense of the word Ufopa in the field of agricultural sciences, 14th in the Nordic region and 6th in the field of forest resources in northern Brazil: “Our Master’s degree in Forest Science, Technology and Innovation aims to study the management of forests and forest products based on research that promotes the sustainable and innovative use of forest ecosystems. Our Masters aim to increase knowledge production and productivity, based on the values ​​of sustainability and innovation, with the aim of achieving social, economic and environmental justice.

Vieira also recalls that there were 12 permanent teachers, nine from UFOBA, and mentions members: teachers Denis Lustosa, Edgar Tribuzzi, Everton Almeida, Fernando Andrade, Gabriel Costa, Lea Melo, Paulo Taupe Júnior, Thiago Vieira and Victor Moutinho; two from UFPA/Altamira, Professors Alison Rees and Davison Souza; And the researcher from Embrapa, Professor. Lucetta Martorano. “The group of teachers has scientific maturity and great potential to generate original and advanced knowledge and technological innovation,” he adds.

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Acting Director of Ibef, Prof. Raphael Rudd stated that this Master’s degree will fill a gap that exists at Ufopa: “The Master’s program in Forest Science, Technology and Innovation meets the historical demand in the forestry sector in the region. It will be a great opportunity for Ufopa graduates, especially graduates of the Forest Engineering course, to continue their training. Upon completion of their studies We often notice that students face a lack of opportunities to continue their studies, and often need to move to other regions of the country to acquire specialized knowledge in the field. The establishment of this program at our university is the result of a continuous effort, which began with the vision and dedication of the late Professor João Ricardo Vasconcelos Gama. “.

For acting dean Solange Ximenes, the approval is cause for celebration. “This represents the effort of the entire group of teachers involved in submitting the proposal, but it also represents an institutional commitment to train high-level researchers in a field that requires in-depth studies from a sustainability perspective, as indicated by the field of agricultural sciences in the Amazon region. In this way, the course aims to encourage studies and projects Which promotes environmental, social and economic sustainability, as well as being a reference in training masters in forest science, technology and innovation in the Amazon region capable of promoting sustainable development and innovative use of forest ecosystems as outlined in the project submitted to Kipps and is optimistic about the future of the new programme We are confident that he will achieve excellent results in the coming years.”

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Report headers – According to Kipps’ assessment, it is worth highlighting the history and potential of the group and the institution to train teachers and researchers focused on knowledge generation; It also highlights the demand and potential for generating original and advanced knowledge and technological innovation.

Regarding the focus area: the evaluators considered it to be “comprehensive and expresses the historical reference or advocacy of the proposed group, describing its specialization in knowledge production for the region and the training required.”

As for lines of research, evaluators see them as more defined as part of a connected, specific, and harmonious group within the focus area, “in proportion to the size and scope of faculty training, ensuring a balanced, detailed, and coherent distribution of research projects, specializations, final work, and desired professional profile.”

Source: Uvoba