Bringing information about science and biodiversity to more people, as well as promoting opportunities for students, researchers, and institutions in the western region of Pará. That is the purpose of the podcast series – podcasts broadcast on the Internet – The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is launched through an institutional partnership with the Federal University of Western Pará (Ufopa).
The topics covered are mainly related to actions developed within the framework of the “Águas do Tapajós” (TNC / Ufopa) project, which aims to protect the freshwater ecosystems of the Tapajós Basin. The project involves researchers from several Ufopa institutes and is coordinated by Profa. Dr. Erasinir Santos, from the Center for Interdisciplinary Training (CFI).
About the podcast Registered following strict biosafety protocols established by both Ufopa and TNC, the program was directed and presented by journalist Lenne Santos (Ufopa), supervised by the TNC Marketing Team and Águas do Tapajós Project Coordinator, by Ufopa, Prof. Erasinier Santos.
The podcast will take place every two weeks and will be available on digital platforms. It will also be available to broadcast on radio stations in Santarem and the western region of Barra. The first programme, with a duration of 13 minutes, interviews three people directly involved in the project. Professor Erasinir Santos talks about the lines of research, expected results and comments on the challenges of conducting scientific research in the midst of the pandemic. “This pandemic has changed the whole structure of our project a lot (…). We follow a strict biosafety protocol where all people who go out on field trips are tested, and after the tests they need to be quarantined so we can ensure the safety of our team in the field.”. In the interview, the teacher demonstrates how to develop project activities.
TNC Representative Juliana Simois tells in the podcast a little bit about the history and actions of the organization, which operates in 72 countries. To preserve the environment. “TNC has a very special property because it is a science-centric organization. We have a network of more than 400 scientists and 3,600 employees around the world working on conservation.” She said during the interview. In the program, more details about the Águas do Tapajós project, TNC and the partnership with Ufopa.
Artisan fisherman Jose Edinaldo Rocha of Alenquer directly explained the work of Mopebam, which operates in 11 municipalities in the Western Region of Barra, and also spoke about the Mopebam/Ufopa/TNC partnership. It is worth checking out this and other information in the “Águas do Tapajós” podcast, with a link at the end of this text.
About the Águas do Tapajós . project – Developed by a partnership (Ufopa/TNC) and the Movement of Fishermen and Women Fishermen of the Lower Amazon (Mopebam), the research actions are directed towards “maintaining the community base in the freshwater ecosystems of the Tapajós River, the goal being to contribute to local development, increase knowledge On the sustainable use of water resources and the conservation of freshwater biodiversity in the Central and Lower Tapajós, support of riparian communities in their regulation, governance and community management, improving their performance with other actors in the region and in regional planning”, as provided in the Technical Cooperation Agreement signed between Ufopa and TNC. The activities of the Águas do Tapajós project have been directly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, but have not been interrupted.
To learn more about the project, listen to the “Águas do Tapajós” podcast at the link below:
ÁGUAS DO TAPAJOS EP 01 Podcast by Águas do Tapajós (
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