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Uberaba Technology Park Opens Registration for Technology, Innovation and Development in Science Scholarships |  mining triangle

Uberaba Technology Park Opens Registration for Technology, Innovation and Development in Science Scholarships | mining triangle

Uberaba Technology Park has 3 vacancies for development grants in science, technology and innovation. Scholarships can last up to nine months and the registration deadline is next Monday (21).

According to City Hall, the project aims to allow the participation of students and/or professionals in projects of scientific and technological research and/or innovation, with the aim of improving and expanding the outcomes of projects funded by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa. State of Minas Gerais (Fabimeg).

Selection takes into account resume and interview. It is necessary that the candidate provide evidence of education and have the curriculum registered on the CNPq Lattes platform, in order to demonstrate professional experience and ability to perform activities in science, technology and innovation (S, T&I).

Interested parties should send their CVs to the email: [email protected] indicating the level of scholarship required.

Check scholarship levels, requirements and values:

  1. Development Scholarship in Science, Technology and Innovation – BDCTI – Level One.
    Scholarship Worth: 4100.00 BRL
    Specific requirements: Hold a doctoral degree in a field compatible with the activities provided for in the project, or hold a certificate, with at least six years of active experience in research, technological development or innovation activities, preferably in the field of biological sciences, biochemistry, biotechnology or Training courses related to specific project activities.
  2. Development Scholarship in Science, Technology and Innovation – BDCTI – Level III.
    Scholarship Worth:
    2200.00 BRL
    Specific requirements: Be a master student in an area compatible with the activities stipulated in the project; OR Certified, with at least two years of active experience in support of research, technology development or innovation activities, related to project activities – preferably in management and/or social communication.
  3. Developmental Scholarship in Science, Technology and Innovation – BDCTI – Level IV.
    Scholarship Worth:
    1600.00 BRL
    Specific requirements: Possess a degree, preferably in Information Technology/Engineering and other related fields.
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More information is available at official speaker from Uberaba.

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