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U.S. allegations of suspected ransomware attacks against the government

U.S. allegations of suspected ransomware attacks against the government

The U.S. government this week announced charges against two people involved in the biggest cybercrime in recent history. Yaroslav Vasinskyi, 22, is being singled out as one of the main culprits in the coup against the Ukrainian and software provider Kasaya; Russian Yevgyeniy Polyanin, 28, is said to be one of the members of the notorious ransomware gang REvil.

The indictments will be part of an ongoing investigation from 2018, and could lead to the arrest of Wasinsky in October this year while attempting to cross the border between Ukraine and Poland. The U.S. government should initiate deportation of the accused so that he faces charges such as conspiracy to commit fraud, computer hacking and money laundering, punishable by up to 115 years in prison.

From the security breach in the supplier systems, the Ukrainians would have been responsible for supplying Kasia with the malware that caused the attack. The used malware was also downloaded from the REvil ransomware gang, locally known as Sodinokibil, with a $ 70 million redemption request and then $ 50 million, for which no payment was made. However, this coup has become one of the largest supply chain commitments to reach 1,500 corporate partners in technology history.

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On the other hand, he would be one of the direct members of Paulian’s criminal gang, directly or indirectly involved in more than 3,000 attacks by the mob. He is in hiding, but the US government has said it is linking $ 6.1 million in assets to ransom and money laundering. Victims range from small to large businesses and essential services and US government agencies.

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Yevgyeniy Polyanin is said to be one of the operators of the ransomware group REvil and has been accused of participating in more than 3,000 attacks against international companies and US government agencies (Image: Press Release / FBI)

He faces charges of fraud, money laundering and conspiracy to hack a computer, and faces up to 145 years in prison. Polyanin is in large quantities and tops the FBI’s list of most wanted cyber criminals; The agency believes he is in the Bernoull area of ​​the Russian city near the border with Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has named cybercrime, and especially ransomware, as one of the major threats to the economy and security of American citizens. The focus on the infrastructure companies cited as central to the work of gangs such as REvil and the interference of the US government and organizations promoting coups in collaboration with international allies in the search for the perpetrators were of concern. Companies and official organizations.

The indictment is the result of work that led to the arrest of three members of REvil last week. Two were found in Romania, one-third in Kuwait, and all are accused of participating in a total of 7,000 attacks against businesses and users around the world, with a ransom value of more than மில்லியன் 200 million.

Source: U.S. Department of Justice

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