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Two cultures set a date for 2022

Two cultures set a date for 2022

Ariano Irpino.

The curtain fell on the thirteenth edition, which finally appeared at the symbolic meeting of Biogem, the most participatory and interactive of all times, in the opinion of President Ortensio Zecchino, and “limited only by the tyranny of time”. The most prominent annoyance, in recent years, is the late Paolo Isota, who was remembered during a performance by conductor Nazarino Carusi, who also accompanied actress Lara Sanson and cellist Ludovica Rana on the piano.

The works were inaugurated by Dino Cofrancesco, who in his lecture, through a careful reading of Isaiah Berlin, was able to provide attendees with the appropriate tools for understanding the contemporary debate on freedom. Subsequently, Nobel laureate Martin Chalvey, presented by Biogem’s Director of Science, Giovabattista Capasso, sang the hymns of freedom of basic research, which are often abused, but always able to “expand the knowledge of the world”. A relationship imbued with an extraordinary experience, capable of penetrating many young people, researchers and non-researchers, thanks to the plastic representation of that ‘coincidence’ that fascinates the world of Anglo-Saxon research and has played such a large role in the history of science.

Antonio Eredetto, on the historic anniversary of the meeting, spoke with Ambassador Silvio Miniano about the future fate of our planet, while his Romanian colleague Fausto Ciarino, Nobel Prize-winning student Giorgio Baresi, surprised everyone with references to the ongoing revolution in quantum. mechanics. To the point of encouraging the planning of a course, coordinated by Ereditato itself, to be held at Ariano Irpino. Therefore, Biogem emphasizes its active role in promoting scientific culture. But not only this, as evidenced by the comparison between Aldo Schiavone and Ernesto Galli della Loggia, provoked by Francesco di Donato, about equality and freedom.

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As Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re emphasized in “The Magistralis” on religious freedom, he was preceded by Monsau Franco Pozzi and the Reverend Dieter Kempin, with free will and slavery.
Greek scholar Giulio Guidorezi, winner of the Maria Antonia Gervasio Prize for Literature for his book Sophocles. The abyss of Oedipus enchanted the audience and prepared a lesson on freedom and destiny in Greek tragedy, just minutes after Professor Francesco de Sanctis recounted “Historical Figures of Liberty,” while great literature already lit up the room with Danilo Bresci and “Freedom in Dostoevsky.”

And still, going back to the present day, the debate about the moral limits of freedom in economics between Antonio Paganetto and Vincenzo Scotti, moderated by Marco Filoni and preceded by a report on the relationship between freedom and digital identity, convened by Anna Maria Mandalari, of Imperial College London. On the other hand, Mario Panizza spoke about freedom in architecture in a class full of cinematic ideas.

The memory of the Neapolitan philosopher Aldo Masulo was so sincere, he almost attended the meeting this year, thanks to an evening promoted by Michele Varisco, Head of the Philosophy and Ethics Unit at Biogem, former moderator of the debate on ‘science and freedom’. Between Laura Balazani and Gilberto Corbellini.

The two cultures also spoke of personal freedom strictly speaking, in a debate about the imbalance of neuroscience in criminal law, provoked by the lawyer Vincenzo Righardi, between the jurist Gustavo Panchini and the neuropsychiatrist Pietro Petrini. Neuroscience ended the event with a fairy tale and an “artistic” journey into a “bigger than heaven” brain, undertaken by Professor Giulio Maira, followed by Professor Michel Rinaldi’s tribute to Dante.

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How to anticipate the theme of the 14th edition “Arte e Ciência”, presented by President Zicino. Meanwhile, “new little drops of the ‘two cultures’ fell into the great sea of ​​knowledge”, fulfilling the initial hope of the meeting.