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Two Brazilians win Apple competition with innovative apps;  He began to understand

Two Brazilians win Apple competition with innovative apps; He began to understand

a apple Announced today the big winners of App Store Awards This year, to Brazil’s surprise and pride, two national applications emerged as the best in the world.

For the first time, the technology giant’s annual awards recognized the excellence of Brazilian applications, strengthening the country’s presence on the global digital innovation scene.

Brazilian winners of the Apple contest

Winners include Roberta Weyand, Founder to request “Prêt-à-Makeup”, based in Porto Alegre.

Its makeup app not only mimics the textures and colors of the product, but reflects diversity, and is available in 12 languages, with 5 million downloads in 170 countries.

Roberta expressed her satisfaction with offering a wide range of options, and highlighted the partnership with the famous MAC network.

Roberta Weyand, co-founder of Prêt-à-Makeup – Photo: Reproduction

Another highlight is Mateus Abras, creator of the “SmartGym” app, who is originally from Minas Gerais. His app, which has 4 million downloads in several countries, has revolutionized home and outdoor training, offering 700 animated exercises.

SmartGym’s innovation goes even further, incorporating artificial intelligence to suggest new exercises based on the user’s progress, without requiring prior gym knowledge.

Mateus Abras, founder of the SmartGym app – Image: Reproduction

Both Brazilians have been carefully selected by our demanding editorial team App Storewhich evaluated criteria such as technical innovation, user experience and exceptional design.

Apple CEO Tim Cook praised this year’s winners for exemplifying developers’ potential to realize unique visions by creating great apps and games.

The Brazilians’ achievement at the 2023 App Store Awards highlights the talent and creativity of developers in the country, as well as their ability to compete on a global scale.

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With 1.8 million Applications On the App Store and with an audience of more than 650 million people weekly, the awards reinforce the importance and impact of these innovative apps on the global digital community.