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Twin sisters born on the same day in America |  Childbirth

Twin sisters born on the same day in America | Childbirth

Twins They share many moments together including birthdays. In the case of twins Ashley Mitchell and Anna Nealon, they shared another special moment: They both gave birth to their babies on the same day.

Young women living in the US announced their pregnancies within a day of each other on April 7 and 8 this year. “When I got a FaceTime call from both of them, I literally burst out laughing. The excitement and sheer joy I felt was overwhelming,” the twins’ mother, Tricia Thurber, told the network. WPTZ🇧🇷

Twin sisters with mother – Photo: NBC 5 Reproduction

Ashley Mitchell lives in Georgia (USA) with her husband Mike, while Anna Nealon lives with her husband Thomas in Summerville, South Carolina (USA), a five-hour drive away. During consultations AntecedentThe sisters realized their due dates were too close: Ashley on December 13 and Anna on December 17, according to the babies’ grandmother.

Young women do not plan to get pregnant at the same time. Anna is not even thinking about the baby right now. “When we found out we were pregnant at the same time, it felt like something we had to go through together,” Ashley said.

The sisters announced the pregnancy a day apart – Photo: NBC Breed 5

The sisters had very similar pregnancies with the same food aversions. “We always tell people that double telepathy is real,” Anna pointed out. “Throughout our pregnancy, we had the same symptoms a few days apart. When we found out we were both having boys, I was sure we’d be having them on the same day,” she revealed.

On November 23, the sisters suddenly went into labor three weeks early, with Ashley 37 weeks pregnant and Anna less than 37 weeks pregnant. “About three weeks before our date, Ashley called to tell her The bag is brokenI jokingly said to my husband, ‘How long before I leave?'” Anna recalled. “He said, ‘Knowing you two, I’m going to pack.’

Babies born on November 23 – Photo: CBC Reproduction

Anna was born on November 23 at 4:09 am, while her sister gave birth an hour later at 5:26 am. The two had two sons: Damon Sawyer Mitchell and Cullen Thomas Nealon. Grandma said the grandchildren share a similar birthmark on their necks. “I think it’s amazing that my sister and I have been through every milestone in our lives together as best friends, and it makes me so happy to think that now our kids will have the same thing,” Ashley said. “I can’t even imagine doing this alone,” he added.