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TV series that follows the soccer team bought by Hollywood actors

TV series that follows the soccer team bought by Hollywood actors

Bor Gil Sergent

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Actors Ryan Reynolds and Rob McKellhenny announced their unexpected transfer to buy the Welsh soccer team Rexham into a TV series.

Welcome to Wrexham will report on the efforts of Hollywood actors, both new to British football, to improve the fortunes of the young club, which has never played in the Premier League.

Reynolds, super-comedy star of “Deadpool”, and McKellhenny, creator of the TV series “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” bought Wrexham from the fans of the team in February.

The club said the representatives invested about $ 2.76 million as part of the acquisition.

“We can’t really own the third oldest club in the world. All we can do is try to improve the club for its real and eternal owners: the Wexham community,” McKellhine wrote Tuesday.

FX said the series “will accompany Rob and Ryan’s intense cycle of possession of a soccer club and the inextricably linked destinations of a team and a city that relies on actors to bring about some hope and real change in the community it needs.”

The channel did not mention when the documentary series will be shown in the United States or whether it will be available in the United Kingdom.

The actors announced the job in a controversial video on their social media accounts with the help of a Welsh translator. “It is impossible for these two to manage a soccer team. The person who wears the wig thinks Wells is in Scotland.”
