thulium Daniel Dantas is getting closer ravi (Juan Paiva) Until the end Christian / Renato (Kawa Raymond) in place in the sun. Suspicious of the relationship between the two, the fraudster will re-enter the driver to try to get some information from him about his son-in-law on the TV series Nine O’Clock on Globo.
In Bab al-Khamis (2), husband Rebecca Andrea Beltrau is going to listen to a bargaining conversation from an identity rapist Renato Kawa is with Ravi after the boy is fired by the villain for another delay in work because of his son.
“Because I’m your friend. Now it’s not fair that you don’t help me,” he will judge the driver, when he asks for help from a husband barbaric (Allen Moraes). Tullio will not miss the opportunity to twitch. “I didn’t know you two were friends,” that idiot would say.
Christian explained, “We are. Just as I consider myself Lily’s friend, my secretary, Elaine at the coffee shop and everyone who works with me. That’s how I usually treat people.” Túlio will then return and enter the partner again cheerful (Lara Trimoro).
Furthermore, he is likely to be the successor to Santiago (José de Abreu) will appear with Ruth (Pathy DeJesus) Report the episode. He will also reveal his intention to re-hire Ravi.
“Eventually, the driver is a little injured and will end up giving up on the game. You can be sure,” he says to his lover, explaining his intention when accepting the boy again.
place in the sun It is a novel written by Lecia Manzo It will consist of 107 chapters. The whole plot was registered due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Check out the chapter summaries of the TV series at 9 AM that the news Posted daily.
Find out all about the upcoming seasons of the TV series with the Noveleiros podcast
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“Prone to fits of apathy. Problem solver. Twitter buff. Wannabe music advocate.”
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