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Trump talks about the attack on the Capitol and is called a fascist

In a radio interview, the Democratic nominee agreed when asked whether the “other” (Trump) could not be called a fascist option. “Yes, we can say that,” Harris replied.

Immediately, the Trump campaign responded and claimed that the Democrats’ rhetoric was what prompted the campaign to take a violent turn. “This is the kind of disgusting rhetoric that led to the two attempts on President Trump’s life,” the Republican nominee’s team said.

But Democrats have begun to embrace the term, including adding substance to their claims.

Harris said during a rally in Pennsylvania: “Donald Trump has become increasingly unstable and unstable, and he is looking for power that has no control or power. This is what he is looking for.” He added: “He wants to send the army to pursue American citizens,” referring to the Republican’s statements a few days ago.

Trump’s explanation for what happened on January 6, 2021, when his supporters stormed the Capitol, is also beginning to be explored by Democrats.

“Hundreds of thousands of people came to Washington,” Trump said. “They didn’t come because of me, they came because of the election.” In fact, he encouraged his supporters to go to Washington to participate in a rally that day.