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Trump is doing well in swing states in the US

Trump is doing well in swing states in the US

Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are the six states that are considered key for the November 5 presidential election. These states, ““Swing Levels” or “pendulum positions,” are at the heart of campaigns because of a divided electorate.

A survey published by the American newspaper on May 13 The New York Times Although the race is tight, former President Donald Trump is ahead of Joe Biden in Nevada and Georgia. In the states of Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the two candidates are technically tied.

The survey was conducted by Siena College Request that The New York Times Just from Philadelphia InquirerInterviewed 4,097 voters by telephone in English and Spanish from April 28 to May 9, 2024.

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Fefinition of Pendulum States

you “Swing States” are decisive in the US presidential election, and are also called “Battlefield States” Due to heated arguments. The list of these states may vary from election to election, although some points are considered, but there are no fixed criteria to define them.

To identify a swing state, electoral history is analyzed and whether the state has alternated between electing Democrats and Republicans in recent elections. It looks at whether the victories were by narrow margins and whether the polls show balanced support between the two parties.

In 2020, Joe Biden won six swing states by less than three percentage points, winning 79 of the 270 delegates needed to win. In the United States, voting is a constitutional right, but not an obligation.

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American electoral system

The President and Vice President of the United States are indirectly elected by the Electoral College, which has 538 representatives equal to the number of seats in Congress. After voting, votes are counted at the state level, and in 48 states and Washington, DC, the winner receives all the electoral votes. Maine and Nebraska use a proportional system.

To win the presidential election, a candidate must receive at least 270 delegate votes. Typically, the winner is announced on election night in November, but official Electoral College voting takes place in December.

This year’s election results will be announced on January 6, 2025, and swearing-in will take place on January 20.